Getting Help With Car AccidentsGetting Help With Car Accidents

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Getting Help With Car Accidents

Nothing is more terrifying than being involved in a car accident. In addition to attending to your own needs, you also have to worry about your passengers, your car, and taking the right steps. Unfortunately, if you aren't careful, you might end up destroying your personal injury case or hurting your own healing process. Fortunately, you don't have to go through that process on your own. With the help of a lawyer, you can worry about the things that really matter while a professional handles your phone calls, medical bills, and insurance paperwork. Check out my website to learn more about how a car accident lawyer could help you.


3 Elements an Auto Accident Attorney Will Look at When Establishing Fault for a Rollover Crash

Rollover accidents can cause severe injuries or even death. They're likely to occur when a vehicle leaves the roadway and flips over. If you're a victim of a rollover crash, you can file a compensation claim, especially if someone else is responsible. However, you shouldn't handle this legal process alone because it may be complicated. Instead, you should work with a skilled auto accident attorney. They'll evaluate your case and fight to get you the maximum settlement. Here are three elements they'll look at when determining fault:

The Condition of the Vehicle

Vehicle owners know they should always keep their cars in good condition to avoid accidents. This includes performing regular maintenance, such as oil changes, tire rotations, and brake checks. However, even if you are the most responsible driver and owner, you may not control what a mechanic does. If they fail to maintain your vehicle properly and it rolls over, they may be held liable. 

An auto accident attorney will investigate the condition of your vehicle to see if it was properly maintained. They will look for any signs of neglect that may have led to the rollover. If they find that the mechanic was at fault, they'll sue them and their insurance company for damages. They could also sue the manufacturer if they establish that the crash was caused by a defect in the design or manufacturing of the vehicle.

The Weather Conditions

Icy, wet, or snow-covered roads can contribute to a rollover crash. Low visibility due to weather conditions can also make it difficult to see potential road hazards, such as potholes, debris, or other vehicles. If the weather conditions were a factor in your rollover accident, an auto accident attorney can help you obtain a settlement for your damages. Because it's impossible to sue the weather, they'll explore other options for compensation, such as filing a claim with your insurance company.


Speed is often a contributing factor to rollover crashes. If you were speeding and lost control of your vehicle, causing it to roll over, you may be at fault for the accident. However, if another driver was speeding and caused you to lose control as you tried to avoid them, they'll be held responsible. An experienced auto accident attorney will review the evidence and tell you if you qualify to file a claim.

If you're a victim of a rollover crash, contact an auto accident attorney. These attorneys will carefully analyze the circumstances of your accident, establish who is at fault, and help you get the financial compensation you need to cover your losses.

Reach out to a firm such as Distefano Law PLC to learn more.