4 Tips For Anyone Injured During A Car Accident
It's probably one of your worst nightmares: getting injured in a car accident. Unfortunately, many people are injured in car crashes each year, so it's important that you know what to do and what not to do in such a scenario. Start by following these four tips.
1. Do not say anything that could be taken as an admission of fault.
Whose insurance company ends up paying for your injuries and related expenses depends on which driver is found to be at fault for the accident. What you say in the minutes and hours following the accident can have a bearing on who is found to be at fault. If you say anything that could be taken as an admission of guilt, this may give the insurance companies the defense needed to name you responsible. Things you should avoid saying are "I'm sorry," "I didn't see you." and "It's my fault."
2. Go to the hospital.
Whether it is a scraped knee or a dislocated hip, you should head straight to the hospital after a car accident. The sooner you have a medical report, the better. If you don't see a doctor until the next day, it will be tough to prove your injuries are actually due to the accident.
3. File a report with your insurance company.
You may not have all of the information that your insurance company needs yet. For instance, they will need information about your medical condition, which you may have to get back to them with after you see the doctor. However, you should still call the insurance company promptly to get a report started. This will allow the insurance company to start communicating with the other driver's insurance company to determine who is at fault for the accident.
4. Call an attorney.
There are times when the insurance companies will work it out and offer you enough money to cover the expenses related to your injuries. However, many times, you will need to fight to get the compensation you deserve. If this occurs, it's best to have an attorney who is already familiar with your case. So, contact a car accident lawyer in your area, and meet with them to explain your situation ASAP.
Getting injured in a car accident can be tough, but it does not have to be an outright tragedy if you follow the tips above. Talk to your local automobile accident attorney services to learn more.