Getting Help With Car AccidentsGetting Help With Car Accidents

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Getting Help With Car Accidents

Nothing is more terrifying than being involved in a car accident. In addition to attending to your own needs, you also have to worry about your passengers, your car, and taking the right steps. Unfortunately, if you aren't careful, you might end up destroying your personal injury case or hurting your own healing process. Fortunately, you don't have to go through that process on your own. With the help of a lawyer, you can worry about the things that really matter while a professional handles your phone calls, medical bills, and insurance paperwork. Check out my website to learn more about how a car accident lawyer could help you.


Unusual Workers' Compensation Injury Situations To Know About

The common workplace injuries that workers' compensation insurance covers offer a valuable benefit to those who are in need. It might surprise some workers to learn the extent of injury situations that are covered by this employee-paid insurance. You might say that workers' compensation insurance covers almost any injury that is in any way related to a job, including the accidents and situations listed below. Read on and find out more about the broad coverage you can expect for your work-related injury.

You Can Expect Coverage for These Issues

1. Out of Town Travel – As long as your company authorized the trip, you are covered from door-to-door. That includes slips and falls, food poisoning, and back injuries while assembling that convention booth.

2. Recreation Events – If your company is in the habit of having "team-building" meetings that utilize team sports and other events meant to increase teamwork, you should be covered if you get hurt. You might, for example, get hit in the head with a baseball at the annual work picnic. While this event might appear to be optional, in some workplaces employees are paid for the day, employee awards are given out that day, etc.

3. Holiday Parties – The coverage of accidents that happen offsite depends on the circumstances. If, like the recreation events situation above, you are expected to attend and there will be work-related actions, you might be covered. If the event is offsite and attendance is optional, you may not be covered.

4. Offsite Work Training – Often an employer will send an employee to a training session, class, seminar, etc. Since the event is a requirement, you are covered from point A to point B, including car accidents.

5. Breaking Company Rules – When you were hired, you likely were required to read the company handbook or rules and follow them. If you fail to do so, you can be fired from your job. Fortunately, workers' compensation insurance has nothing to do with your company safety rules. If an employee breaks the rules and gets hurt, they may be fired but they also may qualify for workers' comp insurance.

6. Preexisting Conditions – While a previous injury from a car wreck or from previous illnesses is not necessarily covered by workers' compensation insurance, you might still be covered in a manner. If you can show that a preexisting condition was worsened by a work-related injury or occupational illness, you may be covered.

If you are involved in a non-traditional workplace incident and are encountering issues with your claim, speak to a workers' compensation attorney right away, such as at Spooner & Perkins P.C. Attorneys at Law.